
Last Chance to See

Dude! Seems the Star Trek Experience is closing in Las Vegas. I guess when I go out there for VMworld in September I’d better make a point to go see! Thanks, Jallarzie for the recommendation… bummer it’s closing! Blogged with the Flock Browser

Definitely out of it

Well, another blog entry… though sometimes I do wonder if anyone reads my prattlings. I’ve been depressed lately. That’s part of the reason I’ve not been blogging. That and the fact that in order to combat the depression I’ve not been home much. As a result, since I don’t get online from work since I actually now have a job that requires me to actually DO some work (unlike my

OMFG, a bit of History Surfaces

[Cross posted from the Subaru SVX Club Site, because it’s just cool!] 

Back in the Saddle

Yay! OK… for those who’ve followed my automotive adventures to-date, my car blew a head gasket back in January. Because of finances and stuff I had to hold off on repairing it because I already had three vehicles and didn’t feel fixing my E46 was worthwhile. For those who don’t know, an E46 is the internal BMW code for the model of 3 series I have; See here for more information

Hacked, By Jove!

Well, OK… maybe not. Maybe I was just hacked by someone with a script and a desire to build his bot army. Either way, this site was hacked over the weekend. Yay. I think. Apparently, there’s a bug in Coppermine (which I happen to use to host the picture gallery) which is currently allowing a scripted hack. This hack inserts an invisible frame into every page that hits some script,

Vehicle Updates

In part, to track my vehicles and the changes they go through, I’ve added a new “Automotive” category. That way, you can also ignore my posts if you don’t really care 🙂 Read more if you’re interested, otherwise move along… nothing to see here.

Lack of Motivation

 You know, I feel completely un-motivated today at work 🙂 I gues that’s what happens when you’re on notice and they’re working you right up to the last minute they can. Tomorrow’s my last day here and really I find myself lacking motivation to do anything. My reasons aren’t because I’m lazy. Quite the contrary; I would rather be busy than bored any day of the week. However, the problem

Busy ^3

 OK, it’s been too long since I posted but things have been hectic. I don’t get time to sit down and write posts nearly as often as I’d like simply because life is too busy to believe. I do intend to post the second part of my trip report real soon, but I do have some updates on life in general that I need to put in.

Where to begin?

Well, I’ll start with “Happy New Year” to all. I know it’s been three months since I last had a chance to write, but life’s been REALLY hectic. I’ve just really not had time to write anything… but hey, I’m resolving that now, right? 😎 So want to read all about the last few months? Well, just so I can keep the blog nice and short on the main page

Oops… downtime

Sorry for anyone who tried to get to the website over the weekend. I screwed something up on the server when doing updates and didn’t realize after a reboot that Apache (the web server) didn’t restart. By Sunday morning I had cleaned up the now completely hosed Apache installation and re-built it completely from scratch. It was a good thing; it allowed me to fix a few issues I had