
Everything Changed, No-one Noticed

Heh… got to amuse myself with this a little. Did anyone even notice that moved today? Yes, indeed. Basically, it was becoming impractical for me to keep running the server out of my house. I’m planning a vacation to the UK in a month, so for the duration of the trip this whole site was going to be shut down. That meant my friends sites, and my email. Of

My Car Grew a Pair…

… of doors. Oh… and changed color. Hmm… lost its front wheel drive. Gained a 5-speed. And has a blue and white logo on the hood instead of the constellation of Pleiades. So what’s going on? Have I lost my marbles? No… but I have left the SVX fold for the last time. My SVX started having some issues which I won’t go into here… suffice to say they were

More Bleeding Edge Reports

Well, my first post in a while… and want to know what it’s about? Yeah; technology. While the iPhone has been stealing headlines of late, I’ve been quietly keeping my opinions on the down-low. Generally, I have a lot of opinions about it… and this is not gong to be another rant about the iPhone. Rather it’s about my device of choice; the Cingular 8525 / HTC TyTN.

New Look… Material?

OK, if you checked my blog earlier today, you’d have seen that I added a new theme. Well, I intend to add more content soon, as well. Just to prove I’m not dead 🙂 Not going to make excuses; life’s been busy. I’ll fill you in soon… but it wasn’t helped by the fact that Ecto (my blog editor of choice) was having difficulty with WordPress (the blog software I

Death of a Sysadmin

Here’s a rant I posted to Slashdot today that I thought you should read. Computerworld posted an article here, that said in item number 9 that PC Network Admins were a dying computer skill. I wholeheartedly disagreed and posted the following to Slashdot as a comment on the article… Seriously, I would say demand for *good* network administrators is only going to increase because of server consolidation. Why? OK, let

New Toy… Again…

Heh… after all my prattling about the E-Ten M700, I’ve bitten the bullet and bought… something else. What? Oh… yeah. OK… so I was really sold on the idea of the M700; a slick device with a fast CPU, WM5 and an integrated GPS. The cool factor was definitely there. So what happened? Did the luster fade so fast? No, not really. I still love the M700, but I’ve been

Alive Again

If you’re a visitor to this site more than occasionally, you’ll probably note that (a) the system has been down for a few days and (b) that this blog has gone through a few changes. Well, there’s a good reason for that. I’ll keep the gory details behind a cut at the bottom of this entry… but what else is new? Well, I almost hate to admit it, but not

The Apple iPhone (Part 2)

Originally, this article was going to be about the OpenMoko, and why I was likely to buy it. However, I changed my thoughts a little and decided to write more about what’s wrong with Apple’s stance on third-party development, as well as my feelings on the mobile platforms of the future. Symbian gets it. Sun gets it. Hell, even Microsoft gets it… and until recently I thought Apple got it.

The Apple iPhone (Part 1)

OK, here’s my analysis of the iPhone and why I probably won’t be buying one. Now, everyone who knows me also knows I love Apple’s stuff usually. I have an iPod that I swear by, and I run an Apple Macbook Pro as my primary platform. I’ve always thought OSX was the best balance of functionality and flexibility in an operating system, and as such I’m very happy with it.

The Mac(trix) Reloaded

Well, it finally happened. I knew it would be too good to last… I had to reload the operating system in my Mac. Noooooo!!! Actually, it was a complete non-event. Let me give you a little history. So far since I bought my Macbook Pro, the laptop has worked flawlessly. It always worked when I needed it, never when I didn’t and generally was the best behaved laptop I’ve ever