
Oops… downtime

Sorry for anyone who tried to get to the website over the weekend. I screwed something up on the server when doing updates and didn’t realize after a reboot that Apache (the web server) didn’t restart. By Sunday morning I had cleaned up the now completely hosed Apache installation and re-built it completely from scratch.

It was a good thing; it allowed me to fix a few issues I had with the original configuration in that it was less than optimal in my opinion but had worked for a while so I didn’t worry about it. I love running Gentoo, but sometimes it can be a pain when a lot of stuff updates and you neglect to change out your configuration files 🙂

2 Replies to “Oops… downtime”

  1. ange says:

    We’ll forgive you just this once, but next time, Mister! 👿 :mrgreen:

  2. ange says:

    Alright… your loyal followers need updates. 😮

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