
An update on the old man for everyone. After a scary few days when he didn't seem to recognize us, he seems to be at least partly back and semi mobile. His right leg is still paralyzed and he has no feeling in it, but he seems to be able to use it. Left leg seems improved.The seizures continue and we have changed his medication to try to get them under control. He is waking up and calling for help in the early hours of the morning and is unable to control his bladder during a seizure.But he's responding to his name again… At least as much as the stubborn old man used to anyway. And he is being much better with Nanuq after the last few days of acting terrified of his little brother. Not out of the woods yet but we have a go forward and still hoping for the best. #stlloki #siberianhusky #huskiesofinstagram Photo taken yesterday while eating lunch at Have a Cow.

An update on the old man for everyone. After a scary few days when he didn't seem to recognize us, he seems to be at least partly back and semi mobile. His right leg is still paralyzed and he has no feeling in it, but he seems to be able to use it. Left leg seems improved.The seizures continue and we have changed his medication to try to get them under control. He is waking up and calling for help in the early hours of the morning and is unable to control his bladder during a seizure.But he's responding to his name again... At least as much as the stubborn old man used to anyway. And he is being much better with Nanuq after the last few days of acting terrified of his little brother. Not out of the woods yet but we have a go forward and still hoping for the best. #stlloki #siberianhusky #huskiesofinstagram Photo taken yesterday while eating lunch at Have a Cow.

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